What am I up to thismoment?

I've been attending Seattle City Council's public hearings lately. The more I learn about local politics, the more I understand how captured it is. The lack of engagement in local politics has allowed time and resource-rich entities to capture democracy. It's not a matter of political parties, it's a total and complete power capture. I hope to inspire many folks to get more engaged in local politics.
-Shirish on September 02, 2024 from Capitol Hill, Seattle, WA
Dan Dennett, my longtime professor and onetime mentor has passed away. He was the leading philosopher of our time, and it was my absolute privilege to have taken seven (!) courses with him, even after graduating from Tufts where he taught for many decades. Last time I talked to him was when I was unofficially enrolled in his course in early 2020. Dan was a one-of-a-kind thinker and communicator of the highest order, and his excitement towards consciousness studies and cognitive science was infectious. Dan's body may be gone, but the body of work he's left behind, and the ideas he has imprinted upon humanity, they will be around for avery long time. We will miss you Dan!
-Shirish on April 26, 2024 from Seattle, WA
Spent 30 minutes with the research librarian at the central branch of Seattle Public Library. Learned about academic research and requested guidance on further information about traditional foods of different ethnicities in Nepal. I'm excited!
-Shirish on April 23, 2024 from Seattle, WA
Just made a gallon of yogurt because the milk was about to expire. Maybe it's the universe telling me I should try my hand at making dried, preserved yogurt? Hmmm.
-Shirish on April 17, 2024 from Seattle, WA
TEST. This is also a test message, where I'm definining date, image and location. It validates that myrudimentary implementation of 'social updates' feature done through yaml files has been a success. Also, this shows that I can post long multi-line, multiparagraph messages...
-Shirish on April 17, 2024 from Seattle, WA
TEST. This is a test message, it has no metadata attached to it, and all of the variables are pre-poopulated defaults. Looks alright to me?
-Shirish on February 18, 2025 from Seattle, WA

With no social media presence, this is where I will post my professional and personal updates. Everything one puts on social media should be considered ‘public’ by default, and any semblance of privacy is an illusion we are misled buying into. If there’s something I feel comfortable sharing in social media, that’ll go here.

I have lovingly hand-crafted css+html+jekyll templates for the post above so that each individual entries I post here appear as a ‘social media post’ stylistically. The goal is to make the experience of viewing this feel more ‘authentic’. Ask me about the importance of placemaking, and why companies should focus on ‘digital spaces with character’ and how that relates to people’s perception of physical spaces. My thesis is that blandness is beneficial, but it has rapidly dimishing returns.

In this space, I will talk about the following: What I am up to right now, over the course of the recent two weeks or so

  • Talk about hobbies progress.
    • Walking? How is it going? New Routes? New discoveries? New experiences?
    • Fermentation. What’s new there? Found any cool new options, made discoveries etc?
    • Plants, hydroponics etc, done any new cool things there?
    • Reading, read any new books recently? What did I think about them? Quick reviews that I might not want to post in the other section.
    • Any updates on the artistic side?
  • Writing progress
  • Work updates.
  • Volunteering updates
  • Activism updates
  • The weather and how it’s influencing my choices

Shirish Pokharel, Innovation Engineer, Mentor

This is where all my quirky comments will go.