
Hi, I'm Shirish Pokharel!

I go by 'Shirish' which is pronounced Si-Reash. My last name is pronounced Pokharel -- Poe-Kh-Rael.

As of March 2024 I work as an Innovation Engineer at Solaria Labs. I enjoy working here, with smart, talented, and caring coworkers.

If your interests here are strictly professional, my resume can be found here.

A 'timeline' of interesting things I've been doing in the past 15 or so years can be found here.

If you find the fun facts (see below) don't satiate you, you can get an extra dose of humblebrag and achievements here.

This website is about 80% complete. Some pages are still being edited, content is being added, and some features are on the buggier side. Check out the search bar on the top right to see a slightly buggy implementation of in-page search!

Image of a group of employees collaborating. I'm the man in yellow T-shirt.

Here are some fun facts about me. I'm building out this website to be of higher professional standards over the coming weeks and months, so enjoy this bit of trivia!

If you think this stuff is all rather silly, I disagree! Read this post I wrote for a retort.
  • My stand-up comedy skills are just as good as my skills at the driving range. Absolutely terrible. Yet I enjoy both activities.
  • I am an amateur novelist, and I write multiple novels at the same time. My longest draft is a whopping 60,000 words (and yes, it needs work!)
  • I'm a fermentation enthusiast! I've brewed countless batches of kombucha, kefir, and more - I've lost count! Check out shirish.me: shirish.me to see what I've been up to and what's next.
  • I'm an amateur food scientist who dabbles in non-fermentation food preservation as well. I've dehydrated and powdered enough fruits and veggies to feed a small army (though maybe not a very healthy one!).
  • I grow things! I have a hydroponics system for off-season veggies and houseplants, and I'm a proud indoor mushroom cultivator. I'm also a member of the Puget Sound Mycological Society (https://www.psms.org/) and the Puget Sound Beekeeper's Association (https://pugetsoundbees.org/).
  • I'm a history buff! I love researching South Asian myths, culinary traditions, and the historical arts of South Asia. My dream vocation would be a full-time researcher of culinary histories of Nepal and Tibet,
  • (Though currently on hold) I'm a biking enthusiast! My trusty folding bike was my partner-in-crime from 2015-2020, saving me from sticky situations (like walking next to a highway to commute!). Unfortunately, my current Seattle residence with its steep hill and four-flight climb isn't the most bike-friendly...
About Me

I'm currently working as a Senior Innovation Engineer at Solaria Labs. I'm based in Seattle and believe the Pacific Northwest is heaven on Earth. I went to Tufts University and Amherst UMass for college and grad school. A few of the small businesses I have founded have succeeded, and others have floundered and failed. I was an organizer of TEDx events two years in a row.

Image of the man described above.